Denver’s Month of Photography Solo Show @ Lekker Coffee and Watering Hole, March 2023

Difficult Doors

'Difficult Doors' is an art installation consisting of typical residential doors, with their knobs rearranged.  Some of the knobs are higher up on the door, some lower, and some doors have multiple knobs requiring multiple hands to open them.  Difficult Doors is an exploration of social interaction, self discovery, and ritual consciousness.  We pass through doors on a daily basis, but rarely do we think about the effort required to open a door, until it becomes a challenge.  If a door has two knobs, you can open it with a little finesse.  But, once you come across a 'door with three knobs', it requires you to enlist the help of a friend.  'Door with ten knobs', requires five people to get it open, and so on.  This exhibition is meant to challenge the viewer to move from a private experience of passage to a group and social engagement in order to accomplish certain tasks.   

'Difficult Doors' - Joshua Palmeri - 2016

'Difficult Doors' - Joshua Palmeri - 2016